Ezrah Annual General Meeting 2017

On the 19th of October 2017, Ezrah had a wonderful, relaxed AGM with our valued partners, colleagues and friends. At this event, hosted at Peaches and Cream, the focus was on celebrating God’s faithfulness and thanking our directors, staff team and partners for contributing to our success in the last financial year.

Our chairperson, Lesley Huysamen, led the meeting, while our treasurer, Maarten Meyer provided feedback on our audited annual financial statements (see download below). Mariette Jacobs, the managing director, provided feedback on the highlights of our service delivery and shared important organisational developments. We were able to present Ezrah’s first annual integrated report to our stakeholders, reflecting on how we incorporate the 16 principles of the King IV Report, applicable to the civil society sector, in our governance (see download below).

At this meeting all directors were re-appointed for another term in office and Emma Pardoe was re-appointed for 2018. The Ezrah board of directors are grateful as we continue with faith and courage to promote ethical service delivery and quality education where children matter. A huge thank to all our stakeholders who play such a vital role in serving communities in the Western Cape. For more information on our work, governance and financial management, please download the documents below:

Ezrah NPC Annual Financial Statements 28 February 2017

Integrated Annual Report 2017