This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values.

Today’s theme: Accountability 

Simple organizational structure and clear accountability are necessary conditions for the exercise of effective leadership” (John Adair).

In Ezrah, we not only build accountability within the organization, but we also want to be accountable to those who journey with us. We therefore commit to inspire trust and credibility to all our stakeholders by being accountable for our decision and actions. We implement Accountability by asking the following questions:

  • Do we take ownership of our commitments?
  • If we make mistakes, are we quick to acknowledge?
  • Do we constantly strive to find solutions?
  • In tough times, do we persevere to the end?

In developing your leadership skills, where do you need to grow in accountability? Take ownership, acknowledge when you made mistakes, strive to find solutions and persevere to the end. It may be the difference between having a short-term influence and leaving a legacy.