Eagles Rising Leadership Development & Team Building 2016

The year kicked of with yet a very exciting team building and leadership development week with the students from Eagles Rising.

Seventeen students participated in a variety of activities to learn to work together in unity through applying leadership skills. The theme of the week was LEAD: L = Looking out for others, E = Endurance, A = Attitude and D = Discipline.

After putting their teams together through song, slogans, team flags etc., our first trip was to Cape Town where we learned more about the biodiversity of the Cape Peninsula through an amazing journey in the Green Point Park and a sponsored visit to the Two Oceans Aquarium. Students also had to face their fear of heights through enjoying a ride on the Cape Wheel. The next day was all about applying LEAD skills through competing in beach relays and in building a raft from recycled material.

By this time the teams were well equipped to take a hike up to Spioenskop where they stayed for two nights in the mountains. During this time, they were able to enjoy nature and to share life stories with a marshmallow braai around the camp fire. The week was concluded with the teams reflecting on lessons learned during the week by putting together team collages. Some of the most important outcomes achieved were growth in terms of patience, discipline, positive attitude, endurance, communication skills and team work.

Here are some of the comments from the students on what they have learned:

  • Never give up when times look darkest. Always work hard to be successful.
  • I learned not to give up, trust in myself and others, discipline and that I am the leader of myself.
  • You must have discipline and be patient at all times and you must always want to explore more in life.
  • Even though it was hard for all of us, I have learned that if we stick together we will get there.
  • I’ve learned to change my attitude and to listen to other people’s views.
  • It brought me to a point to learn to work with other people and to listen to each one of my team mates.
  • I have learned to overcome my fears even if it’s hard and to keep on encouraging myself in each and everything I do.

Thank you to all our generous sponsors who made this week such a great success – every contribution helped to change lives:

  • Cape Nature
  • The Barney Trust II
  • Cape Wheel
  • Two Oceans Aquarium