ECD Child Protection Joint Project 2016

Well done to the following Connect affiliates on role modelling the efficiency and success of working together to serve the children of our communities: Ezrah Community Training and Development, Thinktwice and Valcare Trust. As we implemented another round of our joint child protection project during March in Atlantis and Mbekweni respectively, we were delighted with the positive participation and feedback from ECD participants.

The first training was held from 3-4 March at the Atlantis School of Skills with 10 ECD centres in attendance. On the first day, participants were trained by Ezrah Community Training and Development on implementing a child protection policy within their ECD centre to promote positive discipline and safety of the children in their care in line with the Children’s Act. On the second day, Thinktwice followed up with their very exciting Jerry Giraffe programme and laying the foundations for the mentoring which will assist centres to contextualise the training.

These two days of training were repeated in Mbekweni at the beautiful Mbekweni Youth Centre on 10-11 March by Ezrah and Thinktwice with another Connect affiliate, Valcare Trust organising the logistics and doing the mentoring. This project was made possible by the partnership between Connect Network and World Vision and the dedication of participating Connect affiliates. On conclusion of the Mbekweni training and receiving the feedback from participants, all the partners had to conclude that this was our best training so far.

As we look at the positive feedback from participants below, we are gratefully looking to the future to celebrate even more successful collaborations in order to make a difference in children’s lives:

  • I am convinced that I am serving my community and I am a community worker that should save children from abuse. And I learned to love myself.
  • I am very happy to attend the workshop because it has been an eye, mind, heart opener.
  • Thank you for giving us this information and to help protect children in our community.
  • The workshop was awesome. I have gained lots of knowledge and will make sure to prove the knowledge at my ECD centre.