QIS Child Protection Module 2016

After a very successful child protection week, Connect Network hosted their QIS Child Protection Module on 7-8 June at Life Church in Somerset West. Ezrah was privileged to be the lead trainer at this Connect event which was attended by 12 Connect Network affiliates. During this training, organisations were equipped in terms of basic child protection legal frameworks, basic rights of children to be protected, developing and implementing a child protection policy as well as acquiring skills to collaborate with partners in creating safer communities for children. The training was characterised by sharing of resources, lively discussions and practical exercises which included fun moments, keeping greens balloons in the air and creating slogans to promote child protection.

The success of all training depends on what participants gain from attending the workshop, so here are a few comments to describe their experience:

  • Very insightful.
  • I enjoyed every moment and promise that everything that I learned will be implemented.
  • The whole workshop was very powerful. I’ve learned so much and I still need to process everything.
  • As newly appointed child protection officer, it helped me a lot. Wow – I have lots of work to do when back at the office. Thank you, love the resources.
  • Thank you, very thought provoking and comprehensive.
  • It was an excellent workshop. Thank you so much.
  • This was so inspirational! I’m looking forward to planning our future policy!
  • Wonderful training, relevant information, huge need for it.
  • Excellent presentation. Learned a lot.
  • I feel empowered and I feel to go back and further my studies on child development.

For more information on the QIS programme, kindly contact Linda Walters at community@connectnetwork.org.za or visit the Connect website at www.connectnetwork.org.za.