We celebrate achieving the QIS Quality Mark!

On the 8th of March 2017, 10 non-profit organisations gathered together at the NG Helderberg Church in Somerset West to assess their organisations in preparation for planning their Quality Improvement Journey (QIS) for the year.

QIS is a two year programme hosted by Connect Network (see www.connectnetwork.org.za) in partnership with Viva, equipping small to medium-size organisations to align themselves with international best practice standards in order to collaborate better to work together for children and women at-risk. The day was introduced by Dee Moskoff, executive director of Connect Network, positioning QIS within the overall strategic goal of Connect Network for 2016-2019, namely to create safer communities for children within the Western Cape through capacity building and collaboration.

The rest of the day was used to work through the QIS standards for each of the six modules:

  1. Financial Accountability
  2. Project Planning and Design
  3. Governance
  4. People Care
  5. Child Protection
  6. Child Wellbeing

Ezrah was very proud to give Maarten Meyer, an Ezrah director, the opportunity to share the value of QIS for organisations as Ezrah has just successfully completed our own QIS journey by being verified on the Quality level by two independent verification teams for all six modules (see confirmation letter below).

EZRAH Verification Letter

Ezrah not only plays a significant role in QIS as the organisation that was mandated by Connect Network to coordinate the QIS programme, but also leads by example in following best practice in all areas of organisational functioning. We want to thank all Ezrah directors and the Ezrah staff team for working so hard to achieve this excellent outcome – well done to the whole team!

For those organisations that are also interested in learning more about non-profit best practice standards, please find the QIS brochure below. 

QIS Brochure 2017