In partnership with Valcare, Ezrah was privileged to host 6 workshops during 2018 for five identified Valcare members as part of our strategic planning programme. The following organisations participated with enthusiasm in these workshops to learn new strategic planning skills in order to build their strategic planning frameworks for the next few years:
- Monte Christo Miqlat (MCM)
- Hope for Youth SA
- Drakenstein Community Sports Organisation (DCSO)
- Masakhe Foundation
- Good Hope Psychological Service
Though many fun activities, light-hearted moments and hard work, we managed collectively to learn more about a wide range of topics and skills that will promote organisational sustainability in the long-term. Participating organisations had the opportunity to learn more about risk assessment, leadership development, development of funding proposals, problem trees, teamwork, developing a theory of change, board roles, and implementing safety measures for children just to name a few. At the last workshop for the year, we looked at our individual strategic frameworks with the heart of every session centered on Ezrah’s LEAD model, values and ethics. We are looking forward to conclude the programme early in 2019 with a celebration session.
Here is some of the feedback received from participants who took part in our strategic planning programme on what they have learned and how the programme has helped them to grow:
- I have learned through developing a strategic framework to look at the organisation from the outside to the inside.
- I’ve used the theory of change as part of my funding proposals and have received positive replies and funding because of it.
- The programme gave me a workable and practical framework in my new position as director, I would have been lost without it.
- The programme has led to priceless improvement – we have a functioning board now that is more goal-focussed.
- It is a special experience to be strengthened in such a way that we know that MCM will be in good standard and we have solid ground to build on.