As Ezrah we recognise the need for intervention within the vulnerable spaces of our communities. It is our hope and mission to empower the next generation as leaders of change. It is not just a necessary endeavour but a call to do more because there is a need for the extra mile.

We believe that we need to lead and be led well, for leadership plays a significant role in the journey of life. As role-players we also recognise that good leadership influences the trajectory of an individual’s life. For good leadership we encourage our colleagues to invest in their personal development, organisational capacity building and resources that offer guidance, and practical applications.


Mariëtte Jacobs, managing director of Ezrah believes that “Redemptive leadership is about raising up the next generation as leaders of change with a view to righteousness. It is all about collaborating to form circles of support around our young leaders so that they can break up unplowed ground to pave the way for God’s purposes for families and communities. In this way, we can leave a legacy of righteousness together, bringing God all the glory.”

There is hard uncultivated ground and we believe that Ezrah has been entrusted to break up this ground in preparation and way-making for seed-sowing. We do not only share our resources but we also encourage Biblical principles and practices. For when we cultivate the ground we also invite God to come and reign. He will be our leader in navigating the different textures of soil.

“Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you,” Hosea 10:12

We do not only want to raise up strong leaders, we want to value people and in loving them, remind them of their purpose.

We become good leaders when:

  • we are attentive to others’ needs
  • we value others not for what they can bring but who they are
  • we choose to see potential

In serving others, we aim to echo the words of John Maxwell: “To add values to others, one must first value others.”

Join us as we share the heart behind Ezrah’s mission through monthly blog posts.