Think Ethics Course

This course is ideal for any non-profit leader including founders, executive directors, managers as well as board members who want to ensure that their organisation is a bridge-builder with lasting impact.

think ethics course

Organisational resilience through a value-based culture

Buy Think Ethics Course Here

Organisational resilience through a value-based culture

R500 per person


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Kindly note that once payment has been made, the administrator will email you the link and log-in details to the course. If you have any questions, please email Mariëtte Jacobs at

What’s the course about?


Is your non-profit organisation aiming to leave a lasting legacy? Do you want an organisation that is not only sustainable, but able to thrive through different seasons with organisational resilience? Can you envision your organisation as a bridge-builder that turns the tide against corruption by implementing value-based practices?


Then this best practice course is for you! Even better news is that this is not only a course, but a comprehensive toolkit with various tools, templates and practical applications to enable successful implementation of a value-based culture.


Why is a value-based culture important?
Although there are many building blocks in building a resilient non-profit organisation, there is one element that is often overlooked – a value-based culture. All organisational leaders should be clear on how they are intentionally advancing ethical maturity within their organisation.


For in failing to do so, organisations may run the risk of a sudden crisis when some unforeseen ethical challenge leads to a failure in service commitments, reputational loss and even a sudden withdrawal of funding. In worst case scenarios, breaches in ethics may even lead to the demise of the organisation.


On a positive note, if you are already busy to implement a value-based culture, we salute you! This course will help you to take your organisation to the next level. If you are not sure where you stand in terms of your organisational culture, enrolling in this course will bring you clarity and new perspective.


Although there are no guarantees in life, a pro-active approach creates a strong foundation. Building a value-based culture through ethical frameworks may help your organisational leadership to navigate successfully through challenges and seasons of change and growth.


Here are some questions that this course will answer:
a) What are the benefits of a value-based culture?
b) What are the risks in failing to build a value-based culture?
c) What are the indicators of a value-based culture?
d) What are the steps in building a value-based culture?


If you are a non-profit leader, this is a golden opportunitity to make an investment in practical skills towards growth, sustainability and organisational resilience. For not only will your organisation reap the benefits of a value-based culture, but you will increase your potential as a bridge-builder that empowers communities with value-based practices.


Who will benefit from doing this course?
This course is ideal for any non-profit leader including founders, executive directors, managers as well as board members who want to ensure that their organisation is a bridge-builder with lasting impact.
In addition, schools, early childhood development centres and community-based entities may benefit from the principles and tools shared. In fact, any person who is passionate about community work, will find this course helpful including social entrepreneurs.
This course can be done individually, but the best organisational results will be achieved if it is done collectively by the management team and board.
As you will receive a certificate on completion, this course will empower you with a very specific skillset to take your career to the next level.
So don’t delay! Sign up now and take this empowering leadership journey with us.

The course is divided in six sections with lessons and practical applications

What makes this course so easy to complete is that all lessons are micro nuggets not longer than 5 minutes per video. This means that you can pace yourself according to your own time capacity with the goal to keep momentum towards the finishing line.
a) An introduction to ethics
In this section, the benefits of a value-based culture is explored. Core concepts such as the definition of ethics, values, principles and the role of rules are outlined in more detail.
We also look at the concepts of ethical intelligence, ethical maturity and organisational boundaries. This section is concluded with practical frameworks such as the ethical decision-making framework, creating an ethical culture and the LEAD value-based leadership model.
b) Service delivery
In this section, 10 indicators related to value-based service delivery are summarised and made practical with action poi
nts for implementation.
c) Resource management
In this section, 10 indicators related to value-based resource management are summarised and made practical with action points for implementation.
d) Leadership
In this section, 10 indicators related to value-based leadership are summarised and made practical with action points for im
e) Administration
In this section, 10 indicators related to value-based administration are summarised and made practical with action points for implementation.
f) The way forward
In this section, practical steps are outlined to enable effective implementation of a value-based culture within your organisation.



Each section contains valuable downloadable resources to enable practical application.
This course includes:
  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Feedback from our clients

I have learnt how to ensure accountability within a small organisation.”



This is ‘food for thought.’ We need to get our policies in place.”



“(It creates) the hope that ethical companies and NPOs can ultimately change the country if we can get ethics right at ground level.”



“We have the power to impact culture with knowledge and discussion.”


“Ethical intelligence is vital.”


“We are now asking: Are we true to our ethics? Do we truly do what we say? Self-reflection.”


“Everyone must apply ethics. It should be the yardstick in every decision.”


“Brilliant much needed course.”