In October 2014, Ezrah was contracted by the Connect Network to assist the Network with capacity building and network development.
One of the exciting assignments as part of network development is the mentoring of a new affiliate to the Network working in Ravensmead, called Hope to the Hopeless. It is such a privilege to work with this faithful group of ladies to establish their board, assist them with registration as a NPO with the Department of Social Development and to assist them with the creative process of putting organisational structures in place. Through teamwork their vision, mission, objectives and value system were formulated and from here on we will through the mentoring process build together to ensure that this new organisation functions in line with best practice. These dedicated office-bearers are looking forward to attending the Connect Network’s Quality Improvement System (QIS) in 2015 where they will sharpen their skills in governance, project planning and design as well as financial accountability.
For more information on the Connect Network’s QIS programme and other activities please visit the Connect Network website at