


Did you know that play is the language of learning for children? Just think of the wide range of skills that children need in order to excel in a fast-changing world – physical, social, emotional, cognitive and creative skills. Play is also a child’s social and...

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Building Trusting Stakeholder Relationships

Building Trusting Stakeholder Relationships

What determines the strength of an NPO? The size of its budget? The scope of its services? Or length of its history? Rather, there is one element that all resilient, impactful NPOs have in common – authentic trusting relationships rooted in a value-based culture. 1....

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Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

On the 10 th of October 2023, World Mental Health Day was celebrated. Children across the world face multiple social, economic, family and community challenges that may all impact their mental health negatively. A UNICEF U-Report poll found that some 73% per children...

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What makes an impactful NPO?

What makes an impactful NPO?

Are you a NPO leader? Then you know that running a NPO is no easy task and running it well, is close to being an art form. It takes vision, courage, wisdom, character and grit to stay the course through all the seasons and landscapes that NPO leaders need to navigate,...

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Uniting to celebrate child protection month in 2023

Uniting to celebrate child protection month in 2023

In the midst of alarming child abuse and neglect statistics, we find great hope when organisations unite to collaborate on child protection. Therefore, we are so proud of the members of our Child Protection Empowerment Steering Group, who held the green flag high...

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"If we don’t stand up for children, then we don’t stand for much." - Marian Wright Edelman It is holiday and many NPOs, churches and ECD centres are running holiday programmes. This is so important to create circles of support around children, but does your...

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“Child protection is a leadership function summarised by three words: Support, Equip and Coordinate. Creating safer spaces where children can thrive should be the heartbeat of every community empowerment strategy,” says the MD of Ezrah Community Training and...

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Strategic Planning Programme Evaluation and Celebration

Strategic Planning Programme Evaluation and Celebration

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.” —Arnold H. Glascow   At Ezrah, our dream is to help non-profit organisations to grow in success and sustainability. We do this by co-creating spaces with our beneficiaries where we learn...

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Ezrah shortlisted for MTN Social Change Awards

Ezrah shortlisted for MTN Social Change Awards

Ezrah Community Training and Development NPC is also delighted that we were shortlisted as 1 of 5 candidates in the small NPO category of the MTN Social Change Awards, rewarding nonprofits with good M &E practices in place. Congratulations to all the winners! Read...

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Drakenstein Child Protection Steering Group Update

Drakenstein Child Protection Steering Group Update

On 20 November 2019, we had our last child protection steering group meeting for the year where we celebrated our joint progress and shared vision for 2020.We want to congratulate the following members of our steering group that also received their certificates as...

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Human Trafficking Event Educates and Empowers Community

Human Trafficking Event Educates and Empowers Community

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” With this well-known quote from Edmund Burke, Ivan Swartz (CEO of Valcare) opened the very dynamic human trafficking training day held last week in Paarl. This training jointly hosted...

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LEAD Child Participation Workshop 2019 Update

LEAD Child Participation Workshop 2019 Update

On the 4th of April 2019, Ezrah was privileged to empower 35 community leaders from 20 organisations in Drakenstein and surrounding areas in partnership with Valcare with our LEAD child participation model. LEAD (L= Looking out for others, E= Ending well, A= Attitude...

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Parent Mentoring Workshop Feedback

Parent Mentoring Workshop Feedback

It was with great excitement that we hosted our parent mentoring workshop in collaboration with Valcare on the 7th of February 2019 in Paarl to equip parents and community leaders with parenting skills. Here is some of the feedback after the workshop: - Was an amazing...

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2018 Thank You

2018 Thank You

As we conclude this year, we want to thank all our loyal Ezrah friends, clients, partners, directors, staff, funders, Drakenstein steering group members and colleagues for all your diligent support throughout the year. A huge thank you to each and everyone - we so...

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Drakenstein Child Protection Programme

Drakenstein Child Protection Programme

In partnership with Valcare, Ezrah implemented the first year of the Drakenstein Child Protection Programme. This long-term programme forms part of Connect Network’s city-wide safe community strategy to implement 10 safe communities in the Western Cape and has two...

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Strategic Planning Programme Summary 2018

Strategic Planning Programme Summary 2018

In partnership with Valcare, Ezrah was privileged to host 6 workshops during 2018 for five identified Valcare members as part of our strategic planning programme. The following organisations participated with enthusiasm in these workshops to learn new strategic...

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Values Series: Accountability

Values Series: Accountability

This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values. Today's theme: Accountability  “Simple organizational structure and clear accountability are necessary...

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Values Series: Transparency

Values Series: Transparency

This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values. Today's theme: Transparency   In Ezrah, we believe that the leadership fundamental of transparency means...

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Values Series: Stewardship

Values Series: Stewardship

This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values. Today's theme: Stewardship  “Stewardship is the use of God-given resources for the accomplishment of...

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Value Series: Competence

Value Series: Competence

This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values. Today's theme is competence.  “There are three qualities a leader must exemplify to build trust:...

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Values Series: Integrity

Values Series: Integrity

This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values. In Ezrah, we see leadership as influence. Therefore, this quote of Nick Vujicic (Be the Hands and Feet)...

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#GivingBack this #GivingTuesday

#GivingBack this #GivingTuesday

This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values. Our first one here is on the importance of values in shaping organisational culture. Values are an...

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Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy

Child Protection Policy Training – 7 August 2018. Ezrah in collaboration with Valcare held a very successful workshop on developing and implementing a child protection policy on the 7th of August in Paarl.

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King IV Principles

King IV Principles

King IV Principles – how we implement it in Ezrah. At Ezrah, the aim of our board of directors is to govern Ezrah in line with best practice principles as we believe with Advocate Thuli Madonsela that we will not be able to lead others if we are not able to lead ourselves.

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Care-Giver/Parenting Mentoring

Care-Giver/Parenting Mentoring

Care-Giver/Parenting Mentoring Workshop. Ezrah was excited to launch our first workshop in collaboration with Valcare as part of the Drakenstein Child Protection Programme, one of the many coordinated efforts fueled by Valcare.

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Social Worker Survey Results

Social Worker Survey Results

Social Worker Survey results – Drakenstein Area. On Friday, the 9th of March we were able to provide feedback to social workers attending the Valcare Social Worker Support Breakfast on the results of the Social Worker Survey for the Drakenstein-area that was launched at the end of 2017 to capture the child protection challenges and needs which social workers face.

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Ethical Leadership

Ethical Leadership

Training Social Workers in Ethical Leadership. On 7 November 2017, Ezrah had the privilege of training about 20 social workers from a social work coalition in our ethical leadership model, LEAD. During this session, we explored the importance of implementing care for others, perseverance, having a solution-focused attitude and making value-based decisions as part of building ethical leadership in our country.

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2017 Annual General Meeting

2017 Annual General Meeting

Ezrah Annual General Meeting 2017. On the 19th of October 2017, Ezrah had a wonderful, relaxed AGM with our valued partners, colleagues and friends. At this event, hosted at Peaches and Cream, the focus was on celebrating God’s faithfulness and thanking our directors, staff team and partners for contributing to our success in the last financial year.

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CP for ECD practitioners

CP for ECD practitioners

Child Protection For ECD Practitioners. With the celebration of child protection week from the 29th of May to the 5th of June 2017, we were deeply saddened with so many newspaper reports of young children being brutally raped and murdered within their very own communities and often within their very own homes, right here in the Western Cape.

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Child Protection at Hawston

Child Protection at Hawston

Child protection at Hawston. All children have the right to be protected. All children have the right to nurturing relationships and quality care. Therefore Ezrah was delighted to be invited by Neo Life to present two sessions at their recent Mother and Daughter Day, held at the Thusong Centre in Hawston on the 13th of May 2017 to promote these rights.

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QIS Quality Mark

QIS Quality Mark

We celebrate achieving the QIS Quality Mark! On the 8th of March 2017, 10 non-profit organisations gathered together at the NG Helderberg Church in Somerset West to assess their organisations in preparation for planning their Quality Improvement Journey (QIS) for the year.

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Child Protection Training

Child Protection Training with the Khula Development Group. Our first project for 2017 started on a highlight when 41 staff members and volunteers from Khula Development Group were trained on child protection in Paarl on the 19th of January.

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2016 Annual General Meeting

Ezrah Annual General Meeting 2016. We can’t believe that our third AGM is already behind us. On this special celebration at the Onze Rust Guest Farm, Stellenbosch on the 13th of October, we looked back with gratitude on how God has led and empower us to serve our clients with care, competence and excellence.

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QIS Child Protection

QIS Child Protection

QIS Child Protection Module 2016. After a very successful child protection week, Connect Network hosted their QIS Child Protection Module on 7-8 June at Life Church in Somerset West.

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Kingdom Vision Bible School

Kingdom Vision Bible School

Support to Kingdom Vision Bible School. Ezrah is proud to provide ongoing support to Kingdom Vision Bible School in Namakwaland (West Coast) through prayer, advice and the provision of discipleship curricula and community transformation material.

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Camp Africa 2016

Camp Africa 2016

Ezrah is also excited to announce another collaboration with Connect Network affiliates and that is Camp Africa which will bring 60 children from challenging backgrounds together for an unbelievable camp experience from 29 March to 1 April at the Simonsberg Campsite in Stellenbosch.

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ECD Child Protection 2016

ECD Child Protection 2016

ECD Child Protection Joint Project 2016. Well done to the following Connect affiliates on role modelling the efficiency and success of working together to serve the children of our communities:

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QIS Standards Day

QIS Standards Day

Connect Network has just started a new cycle of the QIS Programme with the very exciting QIS Standards Day, hosted on the 18th of February 2016. A total of 21 persons from 13 Network Affiliate Organisations attended this day, working hard to assess their own organisations and to formulate a plan for the year to make improvements in terms of organisational development.

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Sikhula Sonke ECD

Sikhula Sonke ECD

Team Building and Leadership Development 2016. On Friday, the 5th of February 2016, the Ezrah team was privileged to facilitate a team building and leadership development event with staff and volunteers from Sikhula Sonke Early Childhood Development at the Rotary Campsite in Glencairn with the theme LEAD – Looking out for others, Endurance, Attitude and Discipline.

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Eagles Rising 2016

Eagles Rising 2016

Eagles Rising Leadership Development & Team Building 2016. The year kicked of with yet a very exciting team building and leadership development week with the students from Eagles Rising.

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2015 Annual General Meeting

2015 Annual General Meeting

Ezrah Annual General Meeting 2015. Ezrah was delighted to celebrate the year’s achievements with key partners and stakeholders at our second Annual General Meeting held on the 28th of September 2015 in the Strand.

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Eagles Rising 2015

Eagles Rising 2015

Leadership Development: Eagles Rising. Another successful teambuilding for the new Eagles Rising students was facilitated during the week of 19 to 23 January 2015.

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1st Annual General Meeting 2014

1st Annual General Meeting 2014

Ezrah Annual General Meeting 2014. The first Ezrah AGM was held on the 23rd of October 2014 at the Mountainview Baptist Church, Hazelden Drive, Heritage Park in Somerset West at 19h00.

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