Client Testimonials

What do people say?

Strategic Planning Workshop

Mariette is a “weapon’s grade” facilitator! She presents the material with professionalism and skill, but she also has a pastoral heart – she is building community, not just teaching a course.

Participant 2022

Think Ethics Course

"Personally, I started thinking about my personal values, goals and outcomes for my life! Planning and living with a purpose, and so as I am implementing it at work, it becomes part of who I am.

Participant- 2021

Child Trafficking Forum Think Tank

The growing collaboration is conducive to the implementation of approaches that bridge gaps.

As each of us change the ways in which we approach tasks, the promise of a domino effect can become the new reality.

Thank you, Mariette Jacobs for hosting and facilitating a very constructive discussion. We expectantly look forward to helping you and your core team make it the new standard.

Freedom Ports Alliance, 2022

Think Ethics E-Book

Well done on a great resource. May it bear much fruit!

Hermann Loubser - Executive Director, Unashamedly Ethical - 2022

Child Protection Programme

"Ezrah's training plays a crucial role in equipping ECD centres with vital skills and knowledge, especially empowering them on child protection and emphasizing the importance of dealing effectively with such issues to ensure the safety and well-being of young children. By providing comprehensive training, Ezrah enables ECD practitioners to identify and respond to child protection concerns promptly and sensitively, creating a safer environment where children can thrive.This training not only enhances the professionalism and capacity of ECD centres but also underscores the fundamental rights of every child to a secure and nurturing learning environment."

– Irma Duvenage, Project Manager: Inceba Trust

Equipping churches

“The following words come to mind as I reflect on our collaboration with Ezrah as an organisation that equips churches to care for the vulnerable. Words such as: excellence, integrity, quality, meaningful training, empathy, experience, compassion and capability all describe what we've experienced with Ezrah in helping us to equip churches and leaders in ministry with the essentials of protecting children in their daily programs and ministry. Ezrah has the ability to help each organisation to design their own roadmap to reach this important outcome at their own pace and within their own capacity. It's pleasure working with and collaborating with Ezrah.”

– Theuno Swart (National Director of South Africa: Orchard Africa


Child Protection Programme

“Vir ons om saam met Ezrah ‘n pad te stap, help ons mentors wat met kinders werk, om hulle roeping uit te leef. Dit is vir
my van onskatbare waarde.”


- Stephanie Henderson, Uitvoerende Direkteur, Ma’s vir Wellington

Khula Development Group

"I always enjoy the networking opportunity at Ezrah and meeting new people. I am very excited to see the upgraded version of the Build-Smart program in the future. It is a tool that helps people to connect on different levels. It is not complicated, but it is using
basic realities to help a parent to connect with their child. The cards have pictures and words, so it is usable by those who can and who might have a reading disability. Set of cards has different themes and it could be used as an engagement point for professionals with
parents and with children."

 - Social Worker

Pebbles Project

“Being part of Ezrah’s child protection programme assist social workers to keep abreast with the latest research, relevant

Acts and new information regarding child protection. The collaboration with different organistations and stakeholders
create opportunities for networking and sharing of ideas to protect our children. Different ideas are shared every year to
use for child protection week/month, to create awareness in the communities that we serve.“

- Mineke Toerien, Social
Work Manager, Pebbles Project

Khula Development Group

I found the event very insightful; I learned about new emotional child regulation games andgot the chance to learn my team members around my table better. The instructions from Ezrah on what to do were clear and the event was well organised. I liked meeting new people within the field, as a student. Hearing what other organizations did for child protection week last year was interesting, doing the same thing but with a different angle (the puppies). Social workers are unknown most of the time from my student experience, so it was nice to see who I would possibly work with within the next few years.


- HK Student

Good Hope Psychological Service

“Goeie Hoop Sielkundige Diens ontvang jaarliks talle verwysings van kinders in krisis, en kan eerstehands getuig hoe oorweldig ouers is.  Ouers beskik dikwels nie oor die kennis van gesonde ouerskapvaardighede nie, aangesien baie van hulle dit self nie as kind ervaar het nie.  Die BouSlim opleiding wat Ezrah bied, verskaf aan fasilieerders wat met ouers werk alles wat nodig is om ouers te bemagtig met kennis en praktiese vaardighede. Die inhoud van die kursus is noodsaaklike inligting wat logies en eenvoudig aangebied word.  Ons het gesien hoe ouers groter begrip kry vir wat hul
kinders nodig het, en dit hul motiveer om ouers te wees wat sterk verhoudings kan bou.” 


– Carien de Klerk, Direkteur, Goeie Hoop Sielkundige Dienste


BuildSmart Parent Mentoring Programme

“The BuildSmart parenting programme has sparked great hope, joy,  healing and understanding. Beneficiaries and facilitators have been able to find a safe space with each other and are empowered to build connection.”

– Nanine Steenkamp, CEO, RealDeal Trust

Kingdom Vision

Ezrah is our lifeline! As unexperienced NGO directors we feel so safe to know we have you as part of our team – thank you for the patience with which you guide us through our growing pains.


- Nina Kearney, Chairperson

Implementing LEAD during 2018

In every decision that I make I had thought of the LEAD model principles and by using these principles to also encourage students at my school to stay in school.


Paarl Junior Town Council Member


Thank you for the impact that Ezrah has on the leaders of our partners and of course the communities which they serve.


- Ivan Swartz, CEO

Eerste 1000 Dae

“Ek wil net weer dankie sê dat die Yeboneers-studente die opleiding van die Eerste 1000 dae kon bywoon. Die impak wat dit op hulle as jongmense gemaak het is van groot waarde. Hulle kyk nou eerstens anders na hulle self – dit is hulle eie ouderdomsgroep jongmense wat oningelig is en so hulle kindertjies van voor geboorte af verwaarloos. Dit is ook baie interessant hoe hulle nou in die gemeenskap met jong mammas sal praat en hulle motiveer om iets by te woon waar hulle meer inligting kan kry rondom die versorging van hulle self tydens swangerskap.” 


– Alta Bester, Mentor van Paarl-Oos, YearBeyond

The First 1000 Days Workshop

“The First 1000 days training has made an impact on assessments and court report writing. Professionals were reminded about the impact of play, nutrition and also safety on the growing child. There is a motivation towards more support of the teenage pregnancy to promote wellbeing and prevent generational neglect and substance abuse issues. Young people were present in both training sessions and reported they are now aware of the importance of child development.”

 - Annerie van der Made, Social Work Supervisor,

Department of Social Development, Paarl-East

BuildSmart Parent Mentoring Programme

“The BuildSmart programme was developed to build resilience through four building blocks that is necessary to be a
responsive caregiver. The programme is practical and easy to follow – the manual has clear instructions and there are different activities that can be used to: build a positive connection through play; help families to develop cause and effect thinking; assist caregivers to improve their own regulating skills; and strengthen their children’s self-regulation.” 

- Mineke Toerien, Social Work Manager, Pebbles Project


"The Impact of training services provided by Ezrah was clearly evident after the first child protection project that we worked together in 2015, they provided practical interactive training sessions with the ECD practitioners on child protection policies. From the follow up meetings conducted with the ECD centres over 90 % of the trainees had put in place policies relating to child protection. Furthermore, the experience of developing new policies was no longer a daunting task for the participants. In my opinion it has been the knowledge and the creativity of Ezrah that resulted in such impressive results."


- Marcia Sibara

ABBA Adoptions

I realized how important it is to focus on the implementation of the strategic planning and not just with service delivery.


- Attendee

ACVV Koeberg

It was really a privilege to attend the workshop. I was so excited to tell my colleague about the workshop and what it entails, and how we can implement it in our areas. I am super excited to start my parenting group.


- Attendee

Strategic Development Workshop

The LEAD model will assist me tremendously with the development of our team, I loved how the facilitator brought her personal and practical experience, which always enhances training.


- Attendee 

Child Participation Workshop

This workshop has helped me to differentiate between what is morally right and wrong and how it not only affects me, but others in my community. I highly recommend this to anyone who can get the chance to attend this workshop.


- Attendee 

Caregiver Workshop

I can’t wait to apply the information we learned today during our parenting skills workshops, as well as during our individual sessions with parents. Thank you and I am looking forward to another workshop!


- Attendee

Khula Development Group

I learned how important it is to do everything with love, to have respect and peace, and to value teamwork. Thank you for your amazing work!


Attendee (Stellenbosch)

Khula Development Group

The workshop was excellent, and the information was truly insightful, I love the way the facilitator presented.



Social Worker Coalition

The LEAD model can be practically applied and used as a guideline in counselling. Model can also be used as a positive means to problem-solve.


Attendee (2017)

Social Worker Coalition Group

Educational, insightful and a real eye-opener.


Attendee (2017)

Child Welfare Workshop

It provided clarity on the challenges and the organisational dynamics. Thank you so much for making me understand what strategic planning is all about!


Attendee (2016)

Atlantis School of Skills

To put things in place – child protection policy and to implement it. The workshop was awesome. I have gained lots of knowledge and will make sure to prove the knowledge at my ECD centre.



Child Protection Workshop

I really, really, really enjoyed the course. It helped me personally to become a better practitioner to teach the little ones to be the best people and grown-ups one day. Healthy teacher = healthy child.


Attendee (2016)

Effective & Ethical Leadership Workshop

The key functions of ethical leadership inspired me today. Thanks for an awesome and effective training!! Thanks to you and your team for your love and support!



Attendee (2016)

Parent Mentoring Workshop

[I am now going] to apply what I have learned, even if I start with one child.


Attendee (2021)

Sikhula Sonke

Discipline and attitude were the most important values taught today, because leadership starts with me and goes to the community. The session was very exciting and encouraging; very well constructed. Thank you!




Mbekweni Creche

I found the signs to look out for when a child is being abused and neglected especially helpful. I liked the facilitator, she explains everything clearly and gives examples, so we can understand.



Sikhula Sonke

I would like to thank you for a wonderful team building, we honestly needed it as we experience many challenges. Today taught us new skills to stimulate children, it highlighted the need for collaboration skills and succeeding together as a team. Thank you!



Atlantis, ECD

I have a clearer idea of how to implement policies and act on them. It is our children’s future that we as practitioners or caregivers have in our hands. I want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge.



Eagles Rising, Teambuilding

As a person I have grown, and I believe now that all things are possible no matter what background I come from, I can be someone in the future.



Child Protection Workshop

I have learned specific questions to break down resistance and encourage change. It combined all the information into easy steps and made it easy to practise. There is a high need for this.


Manager (2015)

Hesketh King, Stellenboch

The facilitation was given in a very warm, friendly and professional manner. The presenter was very informative and approachable. We would recommend this workshop to other centres working with children.



Safeline Child Abuse Treatment and Prevention Centre

The workshop allowed for our staff to reflect on their own skills used during the therapeutic phase with our clients. I would definitely recommend Ezrah to other organisations.

