This #GivingTuesday we have decided we are #GivingBack as an organisation by a series of blogs on a topic that is at the heart of what Ezrah is all about: values.

In Ezrah, we see leadership as influence. Therefore, this quote of Nick Vujicic (Be the Hands and Feet) speaks volumes to us:

“If you want to influence others, the most important thing you can do is be a living example of the principles, ideals, and faith that you advocate.”

Our first value that we aim to live by is Integrity. This means that we stick to our commitments and aim to function to the highest ethical and professional standards in line with best practice by asking ourselves the following questions:

  • Do we fulfill the commitments we make?
  • Do we walk the talk?
  • Are we professional and respectful?
  • Do we declare any conflict of interest in a timely fashion?

Life is an adventure, but it is only when one lives with integrity in all that you do, that you can look back with a sense that you have live life to the fullest. How will you live with integrity today?